Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Travel Tips 101!

We all know that flying and traveling with our children can be one of the most stressful times for a new parent.  I can remember standing in the airplane bathroom with my new daughter, screaming her head off, trying to console her on a flight home to visit family.   We all have our tricks.  For some, it's small new toys brought out in intervals.  For others it may be hand held devices, iPads, books or lap tops.  This couple on a flight home had a plan to take care of the whole flight and not just themselves!  Great Idea!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

We Love These Pacifiers!

Let your baby express themselves without saying a word!
Ubaluba pacifiers are made of non-toxic, hygienically formed, natural bite-resistant materials designed to form naturally in the mouth, satisfying babies’ need for supplemental sucking and provide parents with peace of mind.  Find Them HERE at Real Baby!