Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Finger Puppet Fun

I get to spend a lot of time searching for unique and special toys and gear for children. Every once in awhile I laugh out loud when I find a special something. These finger puppets kill me. Some parents won't understand the humor and that's ok, but damn I love em!

Hindu God Finger Puppets
Their all here. Brahma, Ganesha, Garuda and Kali. Teach your children about Hindu theology or just have fun reincarnating yourself.

Axis of Evil Puppets
The Axis of Evil in a succinct package (Kim Jong Il, Khamenei, Saddam and George W.). They're finger puppets , and they are magnetic. Put the Axis on your fridge!

Great Philosophers Puppets
What would these Greats say to each other? What would they say to you? Now you can be playwright, actor, and director, putting on countless productions. The Philosopher set includes Hegel, Nietzsche, Plato and Kant. They're magnetic too, so, when you're done, you can stick them to the fridge!

The Ten Plagues of Egypt Finger Puppets
With plague puppets this cute, you'll want to keep the blood-on-the-door-jamb joy of Passover alive the whole year through.

Sorry, we don't sell these finger puppets, we just love them.

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