Showing posts with label baby shower ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby shower ideas. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gender Reveal Parties are Blowing up!

 Boy or Girl?

Every where I look, be it a blog, facebook, magazines, or even television , I am seeing the popular new trend of gender reveal parties.  Heres how it works. At the couples 20 week ultrasound, the technician is asked to write down the gender of the baby, put it in an envelope and seal it.  The envelope is then given to a family member or baker who will make the cake and die the inside of the cake the corresponding color to reveal the sex of the baby. The couple cuts open the cake, and at last everyone gets to know the gender of the child.

At first, I rolled my eyes at this idea. Gathering people for this seemed odd.  But then, I thought back to when we found out the gender of our first child and how fun it would have been to share the experience with our friends and family.  It is a moment you remember forever,  so why not have a party to celebrate!   All the games and wives tails can be played out at this party, just like at a baby shower, but made more fun by finding out the answer as soon as the cake is cut into.  I say yes to gender reveal parties!  Now I just have to get invited to one! Would you have a gender reveal party?  Have you been to one? Let us hear about it...