Monday, October 06, 2008

Great news!  Now I don't have to get my kids the Hamster they wanted

By Lindsey Tanner
The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 10/06/2008 07:05:16 AM MDT

CHICAGO — Warning: Young children should not keep hedgehogs as pets — or hamsters, baby chicks, lizards or turtles, for that matter — because of risks for disease.
That's according to the nation's leading pediatricians group in a new report about dangers from "exotic" animals.
Besides evidence that they can carry dangerous and sometimes potentially deadly germs, exotic pets may be more prone than cats and dogs to bite, scratch or claw — putting children younger than 5 particularly at risk, the report says.
Young children are vulnerable because of developing immune systems — plus they often put their hands in their mouths.
That means families with children younger than 5 should avoid owning "nontraditional" pets. Also, kids that young should avoid contact with these animals in petting zoos or other public places, according to the report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The report appears in the October edition of the group's medical journal, Pediatrics.
"Many parents clearly don't understand the risks from various infections" these animals often carry, said Dr. Larry Pickering, the report's lead author and an infectious-disease specialist at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
For example, about 11 percent of salmonella illnesses in children are thought to stem from contact with lizards, turtles and other reptiles, Pickering said. Hamsters also can carry this germ, which can cause severe diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps.
Salmonella also has been found in baby chicks, and young children can get it by kissing or touching the animals and then putting their hands in their mouths, he said.
Hedgehogs can be dangerous because their quills can penetrate skin and have been known to spread a bacterium that can cause fever, stomach pain and a rash, the report said.
With supervision and precautions such as hand-washing, contact between children and animals "is a good thing," study co-author Dr. Joseph Bocchini said.
But families should wait until children are older before bringing home an exotic pet, he said. Those who already have these pets should contact their veterinarians about specific risks and possible new homes for the animals, he said.
But a spokesman for the International Hedgehog Association said there's no reason to single out hedgehogs or other exotic pets.
"Our recommendation is that no animal should be a pet for kids 5 and under," said Z.G. Standing Bear. He runs a rescue operation near Pikes Peak for abandoned hedgehogs.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

California sues crib makers

Were are glad to say that Real Baby has never done business with any of the companies sited in this article. Please read this important article.

Sept 24 2008: California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. has sued five baby furniture manufacturers for failing to warn consumers about the dangerous levels of formaldehyde gas emitted by their products, including cribs and changing tables.

“We’re suing these companies because parents deserve to know if there’s a dangerous chemical in products for children,” Brown said. “Over the past two years, we’ve brought other actions to ensure the safety of children’s products, such as lead in toys and phthalates in baby bibs.

"Increasingly, the wood and other materials in consumer products are produced globally, and the lack of tough safeguards and strict enforcement can lead to dangerous levels of exposure,” Brown added.

Passed by voters in 1986, Proposition 65 requires manufacturers to provide “clear and reasonable warnings” of chemicals in their products that are known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

The state’s lawsuit alleges that Child Craft, Delta Enterprise Corp., Stork Craft, South Shore Industries and Jardine Enterprises manufactured baby furniture, such as cribs and changing tables, that emit formaldehyde — a chemical known to cause cancer — and failed to provide any warning about this risk.

In addition to being a carcinogen, formaldehyde has been shown to contribute to respiratory problems like asthma. The levels of formaldehyde gas emitted from the baby furniture, when combined with other potential sources of formaldehyde in the home, are high enough to cause respiratory irritation to children sleeping in the cribs.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Real Baby Boulder is Open!

We are proud to announce the opening of our new store in Boulder. It has been a labor of love and we think the new space looks and feels great. We are carrying all of the products we love from our Denver store, as well as some great new items. Please stop in and say hello! Real Baby Boulder is located at 1505 Pearl St. in Boulder Colorado. Map here.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

This Reminded Me That The World Is Beautiful

This video came to me via a friend in Alaska who in turn received it from my sister in Baltimore Maryland.  My thanks to them for making me remember that there is a big beautiful world out there.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

 Real Baby is excited to add a truly green toy line! 
Watch the video and check out this great new and simple line of toys from Green Toys. They will be arriving at real Baby soon!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I just came across this book while searching the vast world of child products. I love it! I know its not meant for children, but we parents need as many laughs as we can get. I have read the original Goodnight Moon at least 470 times, so I can't wait to get my hands on this one. A sample page from the books website reads," a grand old party to war in a rush, and a quiet Dick Chaney whispering hush." Funny, sad, and true.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Offi & Company 
Eva Foam Table

This cool table from Offi & Company is expertly cut from soft and sturdy EVA foam.  This is the same material you would find inside your athletic shoe.  The foam makes the table and chairs super comfortable, safe, lightweight, durable, strong and easy to clean.  Each piece can support up to 300 pounds!  When your children get that big it's time to get them out of the house.  This table and chair set is great for indoor and outdoor use.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Leander Crib- No, You can't have it!

This beautiful and functional crib/toddler bed is designed by Stig Leander Nielsen.  This Danish designer says that he is inspired by nature and by his travels around the world. Unfortunately this Cot will not be travelling to the United States anytime soon.  All we can do is hope that we see it offered at our next trade show and bring  it on home.  Until then, all we can do is look at the pretty pictures.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Real Baby has The CLEK Booster Seat!

Real Baby is proud to carry the new CLEK booster seat.  This comfortable booster is designed and manufactured by a world class automotive seat manufacturer.  They utilize many of the same materials and safety features  found in luxury vehicle seating.   The CLEK features a rigid LATCH system that securely locks the seat into place easily.  Quick release allows for easy removal.  The CLEK meets all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, and is suitable for children 40-57" tall and 40-100lbs.  Stylish, safe, and comfortable, is all you can ask for in a booster seat!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Love Candy

I find this very funny and true.  I have tried all of these candies and could not agree more.  Can you still buy paper dots?

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Real Baby Boulder

Real Baby Boulder is just around the corner. Located on the corner of 15th and Pearl St. right in the heart of downtown Boulder Colorado. We our very excited to grow our business and we hope to have the new store up and running around August 1st. The building is getting closer to being finished, so we will keep you posted! Click on the image above to see more photos of our new location.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cereal just got Interesting

Here is some information that is sure to spark a huge sales boost for breakfast cereal.  A recent study done at Oxford and Exeter Universities in Britain, states that pregnant mothers who skip breakfast and eat less, are more likely to give birth to girls, while mothers who consume more calories and a wider range of nutrients- including, specifically breakfast cereal- are more likely to have boys.  

I can see all the macho breakfast tables of America, husbands with their coaches shorts on forcing their wives to eat that third bowl of cereal.  "Are you still hungry honey?, have some more puffed Kashi!"  

The Universities asked 740 first time mothers in the UK to keep food diaries before and during early pregnancy.  The women didn't know the sex of their babies, but when researchers reviewed their food plans, they found that moms who consumed more calories of higher quality before conceiving were about 24 percent more likely to give birth to boys than the moms who ate less.  higher nutrient intake prior to conception, most notably the consumption of breakfast cereal are strongly associated with having a male infant.  

I can hear the wheels turning at Quaker Oats and Kellogg's.  Now who wants some Honey Bunches of O's?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Catch The Vibe!
The Vibe stroller from Phil&Teds has arrived at Real Baby.  This cool new stroller works just like the Phil&Teds Sport Buggy but with a much sleeker look.  What I like about the Vibe is that you can fold it all the way down with the doubles kit attached.  The new elliptical shape aluminum frame features a smart handle with a one touch brake, smart fold,  and a 5 point safety harness.  Phil&Teds inline strollers actually grow with your family.  the unique doubles kit attaches to both front and back allowing two children to ride inline in a stroller that is barely larger than a single.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My Daughter's April Fools 

Yesterday was April Fools day.  I have never really been a big practitioner of April fools pranks, however, I do appreciate them.  I have my Grandmother to thank for that.  My Grandmother was the family prankster, and each year she would  achieve terrific results with her April foolery.   Aging in her soft recliner, tissues and coffee at the ready, my Grandmother would reel each one of us in with a subtle question or statement.  She would then  twist it in a way that would either concern, terrify, or confuse us.  Finally, she would hit us with the punch line, and laugh that beautiful little laugh of hers.  Damn, she was funny.  Fake ketchup as blood,  Staples punched into her tenting skin,  or twisted stories,  she knew how to get us.  

My 9 year old daughter would have made her Great Grandmother proud yesterday. She asked me if she could ride her bike around the block.  This is the sweet new mountain bike that we purchased her for Christmas.  I agreed, made sure she was helmeted, and sent her on her way.  

A few minutes later she ran back in the house saying that she had to use the bathroom.  I continued to work at the computer when a moment later she came back in from outside with the look on her face.  It's a look she only gives me when there's trouble.  Like when she and her brother have broken something.  She said very quietly, "Daddy come here,"  and walked out the front door.  I quickly followed her to the top of our stairs that lead to the sidewalk.  She pointed to the bottom of the stairs and said, " I left my bike right here, and now it's gone."  

We live in the city, and I have had several items ripped off over the years.  I could feel my blood temperature rising and in classic Irish catholic fashion began yelling various versions of the Lords name followed by words that rhyme with brother ducking and alike.  My daughter looked up at me with a face full of pride and said, "Daddy, April Fools!."  She had hidden her bike in the bushes and had successfully duped her old man.  I apologized for my curse laced tirade and gave her a huge hug.  Grandma was smiling yesterday.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Modern Glider
Finally, a beautifully designed glider with simple lines and exceptional comfort.  The Monte Design Luca glider,  is built with an  ergonomic arm height for feeding your baby, high back for proper head rest, and removable lumbar pillow for extra support.  The Luca glider's soft durable upholstery,  deep brown stained maple wood base, and smooth gliding mechanism make the the ultimate nursery chair.  The luca glider will fit the decor of any room in your house.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Organic Clothing for Your Children

When I was a child my mother would make me wear polyester for Easter.   It was ritual.  Wake up  Easter morning, receive a fantastic basket filled with great chocolate and treats,  hunt for Easter eggs, put on new polyester Easter outfit and go to church to sweat and fidget.

I think clothing has come a long way since I was a child.  We are trying harder to fill Real Baby with quality organic clothing that is produced in a humane manor.  It's not as easy as it sounds.  After reading the following article I thought that my old Easter polyester might not be that bad.  

Cotton crops alone account for $2.6 billion in pesticides used each year and is the definition of a chemically dependent agriculture. Even though cotton only uses 2.4% of all cultivated land, 25% of the world’s pesticides and 10% of the world’s insecticides are used on it yearly. In other words, for every one pair of jeans and t-shirt produced, 1 pound of pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used.
 The problems with clothing production do not stop in the field. During the conversion of conventional cotton into clothing, numerous toxic chemicals are added at each stage - harsh petroleum scours, softeners, brighteners, heavy metals, flame and soil retardants, ammonia and formaldehyde - to name just a few.

Just something to think about.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mom I want to be a TSA Agent!

Yes it's real. Every loving and caring parent needs to offer this toy to their little future Homeland Security Expert. Cause delays getting into your elementary school, spread fear, and interrogate your friends! Drug sniffing dog and travel size water boarding kit not included. I wish I would have thought of this. $29.95 will get you this cardboard box that beeps.

Below is the actual wording from the manufacturer of why this toy was created. Be afraid.

"In an effort to help children understand and be comfortable and confident in the need and process of higher security protocols we've developed a new play and learning toy and resource web site to promote and educate security procedures. and the makers of the Scan-It toy are attempting to bring security technology companies, governments and security providers together to help educate children on the need and importance of airport and public spaces security."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Life in the City with Children
I walked outside yesterday to find my entire house surrounded by police cars.  All traffic was being deverted  onto our street from the neighboring Federal Blvd. Helicopters buzzed overhead as I ran to the corner, passing a group of children playing outside.  My son was in that group.  He said " hi daddy!,  why are you running?"  I gathered all the children and herded them inside our neighbors house without answering my son's question.  If I were to answer it I would have to say something like, " I'm running because I was scared shitless that something happened to you", or " I was running because the police are searching for a shooter."  Both answers seemed inappropriate at the time, so in classic parent fashion, I said nothing.  I remember a few times when my mother would answer my questions with silence.  It was never good.  Now here I was doing the same thing.  Life in the city with children can make you a silent parent sometimes.

PLAYSPOT is a beautiful and innovative soft floor surface that keeps your child comfortable and happy, while complementing your home's decor. With a variety of neutral and designer tile colors, it's the perfect addition to the modern or contemporary nursery.

Large in size and large on style, these floor tiles have been designed, tested and manufactured for children of all ages. It's easy to put together with its unique connector system so you can configure it to fit your style.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Modern is in at Real Baby
modern means something that is "up to date", or "new", and that is exactly what is going on at Real Baby.  Our store and website are filled with modern  items for your nursery, your child, and you!  
Here are some modern things that we love: Avalisa, Nurseryworks, Plasma Car, Skip Hop, Fleurville, Bloom Baby, Dwell, Oeuf, Automoblox, Monte Design, and Argington.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Automoblox are Here!
These beautifully designed vehicles will set your childs imagination racing. With interchangable parts, the sky is the limit for what your little designer can create. Automoblox are designed as an heirloom toy with safety and durability being most important. I would buy a Mini Van if they looked like this! To see Automoblox in action click here.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Real Baby is Voted Best Baby Store in Denver!

For the third year in a row City Search members have voted Real Baby the best baby store in Denver. We are very humbled and proud, and we want to thank everyone who voted for us. We promise to keep bringing you the best products we can find for you and your little ones.

Here is a little insider tip for you our favorite readers of the blogosphere.... look for Real Baby to open it's second store in Boulder!! That's right, We have signed on the dotted lines and we will be moving into our second home on the North East corner of 15th and Pearl in downtown Boulder Colorado. We should open doors sometime in the summer and we will keep you posted about the grand opening festivities. We can't wait!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Do they make this Chair in Adult Size?

The Fresco High Chair by Bloom Baby features multiple grow-with-baby modes. From newborn to 6 months it acts like a resting cradle. At 6 months and up it becomes a feeding chair with optional up to the table, or tray modes. The Fresco can also be a play seat from 2 years and up holding a child up to 79 lbs.

The Fresco also features; super sized adjustable feeding tray & second play tray that are dishwasher safe, 360 degree swivel with resistor, pneumatic assist easy lift height adjustment for an infinite range of positions, mulitple position reclining seat, 5 point harness with heigh adjustable straps, microsuede seat upholstry available in vibrant colors, multiple position foot rest, and enclosed castor wheels in the base for easy lift and glide.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Want This Stroller!

I'm not sure why, but I want this stroller. I would love to put on a black cape and mask and pull up next to some moms in the park pushing their weak jog strollers and challenge them to a race. I would fire up my Ipod in the custom Ipod dock. Then I would press play on the DVD player and roll the intro to Top Gun and shout Go! They Don't stand a chance.

This is a real stroller. It is The Limited Edition Harmony. A joint project of Pinstripe Prep, makers of fine baby and kid gear ["country club couture without the snobbery"], custom car guru Joe Iacono and the mastermind Jason Albert, whose expert hands bring each custom Harmony into the world.

The price tag you ask? It can be yours for around $3000. It all depends on wether you want the Ipod and DVD, the retractable cup-holders, the self-regenerating power-assisted drivetrain and brakes, the custom paint and custom wheels and custom luggage.

I say I want it all. College fund be damned. I'm making my cape while I wait the estimated 2 months for it to be produced.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My son and daughter came into the store and were instantly attracted to this cool new imaginative toy. I can't wait to try sled riding with it! This is definitely a new kind of toy.

The elementary shells leave room for the child's imagination. Instead of imposing a specific play pattern, Bilibo is open for a wide range of interpretations and encourages the children to invent their own games, to play and have fun in an active and creative way. Indoors and outdoors, in the sand-pit, in the water or even in the snow... Bilibo is full of surprises.

Both boys and girls can find virtually unlimited ways to play with Bilibos - from rocking, spinning, and sitting to hiding under, carrying with, and peeking through... Bilibo provides hours of open-ended play.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Travel with the Kids

It has been a very busy summer of travel for our family. With the kids hitting ages 6 and 8, we have reached our travel tipping point. Our children are now self sufficient little units, with the power to feed, dress, wash, brush, ask nicely, not throw a fit, and enjoy life as a child should. Our hard work has payed off, and it's nice to see the results.

Road trips are now a lot of fun. Music cranking windows down kinda fun, with only the occasional threat from me to pull the car over on the highway.

We have less equipment restraints with our children now. Car seats, which gave way to booster seats are now not needed. No more switching seats from car to car, or checking them at the airport with the embarrassingly large plastic bag.

The dreaded pack-n-play is long gone. Diaper bags have become travel and computer bags. Strollers, as my son told me 3 years ago, " are for babies." Front carriers, slings, backpacks, travel cot, infant sun tent, sippy cups...not needed.

I wonder how my mother raised the four of us without the convenience of all the safety and child products we have today. I remember fondly, long summer drives to a lake somewhere far away with the four of us jumping around the back of our giant Ford wagon unrestrained. My mother smoking a cigarette and driving 85mph (the speed limit was 75mph) telling us all to settle down or she would pull the car over. I knew she wouldn't. Did I also hear the tinkling of ice in a tumbler?

No car seats, no DVD, Game Boy, PSP, or other mind numbing device. Just us the open road and a lot of fun. I spy, the alphabet game, 3 thirds of a ghost, and harassing my sisters were games we played as we whizzed by farms and cornfields.

My children are very fond of the alphabet game, except my son wants me slow down so he can read the signs better. I can't wait for our next road trip. And for the parents of smaller children and allot of gear, it is still absolutely worth it. Now let's drive.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Real Baby Interior Design Studio!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new interior design service: Real Baby Interior Design Studio!

Real Baby is partnering with the fabulous duo Katherine Schroder and Erica Rundiks of Atelier Interior Design.

Real Baby Interior Design Studio will be the only place you need to go to create, design, and build your dream nursery. We can also help you convert your child's nursery into a room they will cherish for years to come.

You will be able to choose from a vast selection of furniture and decor from Real Baby at a special discount, as well as having Atelier Interior Design guide you through the entire design and installation process!

For details please stop into Real Baby or contact Erica and Katherine at Atelier interior Design. Complete details can be found on our web site in the News section.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

HandySitt Chair

HandySitt Chair

This is a great chair for your child to use at home or when you are on the go. Throw it in your car to use at restaurants or at your friends house. Produced in Denmark, the HandySitt is a stylish alternative to a highchair. The HandySitt provides comfort and support while allowing your child to sit with you at the table.

The adjustable arms fit almost every square and curved backed chair.

The HandySitt folds flat when not in use and packs perfectly into the travel bag, making it perfect for a trip to Grandma's or dining out. Suitable for children from 7 months to 4 1/2 years.

Made of solid wood, the HandySitt comes with a three year warentee.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Quinny is coming The Quinny is Coming!

We are excited to announce that Real Baby will be carrying the super cool and versatile line of European strollers from Quinny.
The Quinny Buzz unfolds automatically without any effort at all. The buzz has a sleek new design with a comfortable seat for your child. Turn the Quinny Buzz into a travel system with the addition of the Maxi Cosi infant car seat or the matching bassinet.

The Quinny Zapp offers a striking contemporary design that is a lightweight full sized stroller when open, and yet the smallest stroller in the world when folded. The Quinny Zapp comes in a range of fun colors and comes complete with a travel bag, rain cover, and sun canopy. Convert the Quinny Zapp into a travel system with the addition of a Maxi Cosi infant car seat.
They will be arriving at our store and on our website in a few weeks. We can't wait!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Baby Legs Bio Event A Big Success!

Our thanks goes out to Spring and Erinn for bringing their BabyLegs, go green bio diesel powered, caravan to Real Baby this past Sunday. They showed off their new organic line of BabyLegs for the kids and gave away lots of great gifts and helped spread the word and vision of going a bit geener to save the planet. We had a blast. Thank you and good luck with the rest of your tour.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

BabyLegs Biodiesal Tour Hits Real Baby Sunday April 12th from 12-2pm

In celebration of the launch of BabyLegs new organic line, in honor of Earth Day, and in support of the sustainable energy effort, BabyLegs has decided to embark on a cross-country biodiesel roadtrip.

Real Baby has graciously decided to host one of BabyLegs' promotional events. The BabyLegs drivers will handout sponsors' donated items like hats, tees, organic onsies, healthy snacks and drinks - there will also be a Create Your Own BabyLegs Contest - and educational materials will be provided on how to live green.

Come check out this fun event! Sunday April 15th from 12 to 2pm @ Real Baby, 3616 w32nd Ave. Denver Co. 303-477-BABY

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Sloan's Lake
Denver, Colorado
May 12th

Please join us for the 1st annual mothers day race
Benefiting the Kempe Center's Department for Postpartum Depression

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, May 12th, 2007
Schedule of Events:
8:00 - Day of Event Registration
9:00 - Pre-5K Yoga
9:30 - 5K starts
10:00 - post-5K expo and raffle

There will be lots of kids' activities during the event:
Real Baby will have a booth for kids to do art and posters to cheer on their parents and friends.
There will be a fun run, face painting and more for the kids to do!

Location: Sloan's Lake (Sheridan and W.29th Denver)
Fee: $25.00 pre-registration (only accepted if post marked by May 8, 2007)
$30.00 race-day registration

All registrants get a women's-fit t-shirt!
t-shirt and 5k bib number can be picked up on race day

The Goodnight Glider designed by Truck Product Architecture for Nurseryworks

Glide your little one into la la land with this stylish new rocker from Nurseryworks. It will look great with any of the cribs as all the new colors for 2007 mix and match. This Rocker will look stylish in your home long after your done sharing it with your child.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Finger Puppet Fun

I get to spend a lot of time searching for unique and special toys and gear for children. Every once in awhile I laugh out loud when I find a special something. These finger puppets kill me. Some parents won't understand the humor and that's ok, but damn I love em!

Hindu God Finger Puppets
Their all here. Brahma, Ganesha, Garuda and Kali. Teach your children about Hindu theology or just have fun reincarnating yourself.

Axis of Evil Puppets
The Axis of Evil in a succinct package (Kim Jong Il, Khamenei, Saddam and George W.). They're finger puppets , and they are magnetic. Put the Axis on your fridge!

Great Philosophers Puppets
What would these Greats say to each other? What would they say to you? Now you can be playwright, actor, and director, putting on countless productions. The Philosopher set includes Hegel, Nietzsche, Plato and Kant. They're magnetic too, so, when you're done, you can stick them to the fridge!

The Ten Plagues of Egypt Finger Puppets
With plague puppets this cute, you'll want to keep the blood-on-the-door-jamb joy of Passover alive the whole year through.

Sorry, we don't sell these finger puppets, we just love them.

Friday, February 23, 2007

We Love Shoes!

I have to say that we have the best selection of kids shoes that we have ever had.

Super cool Converse and Puma, fun and functional Morgan and Milo, Ecco and See Kai Run. Soft and well constructed first shoes for the little ones by Pedoodles and Pedi Ped.